Friday, December 28, 2012

Incredible images show nature's disappearing act when predators are near..

Can you spot the 'invisible animal'?

Bark and hide: A Great Gray Owl positions itself in front of a similar pattern to take advantage of his camouflage in Oregon, United States

a California Ground Squirrel blends in with its rocky environment

Can you spot me? A Leopard conceals herself in vegetation at the base of a tree in Kruger National Park, Transvaal, South Africa

an American Pika performs a vanishing act in the Cascade Range of Washington

Leaf me alone: A Mealy or Blue-crowned parrot disappears like just another leaf in the lush Central American rainforest, Chan Chich

Can't see the wolf from the trees: A wolf peering out from behind a tree trunk in an autumn Montana forest

Snake eyes: A horned adder matches the colour of the sand in the Namib Desert, Namibia, where they bury themselves using a swimming motion to disappear beneath the hot surface

A gyrfalcon at their nest built on a cliff

Cunning tricks: A Great Horned Owl uses colour in its plumage to disappear in a temperate forest in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon

It's white in front of you! A willow ptarmigan in winter plumage, hidden on a brushy slope near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. The animals are trying their utmost to fool predators but that's not enough to deceive international photographer Art Wolfe

Eye spy: A spectacled caiman in Llanos, Venezuela. Wolfe works to make it visually challenging to the viewer by using depth of field, scale and placement and confusing the subject.

Having a giraffe: A Giraffe in Transvaal, South Africa. Wolfe's 35-year career has spanned every continent as he has followed his passion for the environment.

Precarious perch: Two Klipspringers camouflaged against a rocky outcrop in Chobe, Botswana

The long grass: An Impala hiding in vegetation in Botswana's Chobe National Park, Africa

A sandy place to hide: A cheetah cub disguised against the Kalahari Desert, South Africa

I'm white over here! White-tailed Ptarmigan in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

Out of sight hawk: A nighthawk resting on rocks where it blends into its surroundings in eastern Washington

Branching out: A well-concealed blue dacnis takes a rest in foliage in Panama

Snow way I'll be spotted here: A coyote camouflaged in the surrounding brush at the edge of a snow dusted field, Washington State, USA

Stop monkeying around: A family of Japanese Macaques disappear amid their rocky habitat on Honshu Island, Japan

Invisible: A male Spotted Deer disappears among sun-dappled vegetation in Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan, India

Water good place to hide: A Common Snipe, well hidden in the shoreline vegetation of a Minnesota stream
'an exhilarating and painstaking process'
Credit: Pictures are taken by photographer Art Wolfe. He has spent over 35 years roaming the deserts of Africa, the rainforests of South America, the mountains of the United States and snow plains of Canada to capture wildlife at its most invisible.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

good actress

i'm not a good actress..but someone else does. haha.. It's really annoying to see when such person can pretend to be so kind and sweet in front of others. Stupid. grow up gurl

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.

Cik Amelda tu tak bergaul dengan orang kan?

my comment: mana kau tau aku xbergaul dengan orang. for those yang terlalu "concern" and "ambil berat" pasal saya, thx ya. kenapa? kalau saya xbergaul, xbercakap dengan kamu-kamu semua, hari-hari kamu tak sempurna ke? excuse me, saya ada banyak kerja nak buat. daripada bergaul untuk menambah dosa bergosip tak tentu hala, baik saya buat kerja. 

buat kamu-kamu semua yang suka sangat cakap belakang, this is me. tak de orang yang boleh ubah cara hidup saya unless i say so. so far, saya hidup dengan cara ni, xde orang pun yang susah. bukan nya aku sombong pun. aku lalu depan korang, siap senyum kot..aku senyum ikhlas. tapi korang laa...senyum, tapi belakang kutuk aku. bawak-bawak bertaubat laa..

lagi satu, kau nak aku bergaul sangat dengan kau kenapa ehh?? kau xcukup kawan ke? pity u

kesian..kesian...kesian... berubah la MELAYU. macam mana nak maju kalau perangai
macam ni. aku kerja Hong Leong Bank dulu orang fokus kerja. takde masa nak ambik tau,
nak bergosip hal-hal orang lain. korang lain plak. please laa...matured laa k.. 
sedar lah sikit. kalau nak MELAYU maju, berubah laa..

yes..sedar2 and berubah laa..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


hye.. this is the latest picture of mine. me with rison yg handsome! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Untuk Aminah.

Kau melihat diriku
Seperti sesuatua
Yang mencabar dirimu
Akal dan mindamu
Kau mendustaiku
Kau bilang mereka tak tahu
Siapa diriku
Sedangkan kau juga begitu

Segala kata cacian
Yang telah engkau berikan
Membuatku rasa


Setiap detik diperhatikan
Kau cari cara putar belitkan
Kau jadikan diriku


Kini aku bangkit
Membuktikan yang ku tak sakit
Dengan segala perit yang kau berikan
Kini aku pantas berjalan
Bergerak ke hadapan
Dan akan ku buktikan
Siapa diriku yang sebenar


Segala kata cacian
Yang telah engkau berikan
Membuatku rasa

Kosong .. kosong 

Setiap detik diperhatikan
Kau cari cara putar belitkan
Kau jadikan diriku


Segala kata cacian
Yang telah engkau berikan
Membuatku rasa


p/s:Aminah...ignoore your stupid so called "friends". live life to the fullest. 

Special for My ♥

                                     "I Wanna Grow Old With You"
Another day 
Without your smile 
Another day just passes by 
But now I know 
How much it means 
For you to stay 
Right here with me 

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger 
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer 

I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna die lying in your arms 
I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna be looking in your eyes 
I wanna be there for you 
Sharing everything you do 
I wanna grow old with you 

A thousand miles between us now 
It causes me to wonder how 
Our love tonight remains so strong 
It makes our risk right all along 

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger 
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer 

I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna die lying in your arms 
I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna be looking in your eyes 
I wanna be there for you 
Sharing everything you do 
I wanna grow old with you 

Things can come and go I know but 
Baby I believe 
Something's burning strong between us 
Makes it clear to me 

I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna die lying in your arms 
I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna be looking in your eyes 
I wanna be there for you 
Sharing everything you do 
I wanna grow old with you

p/s: 3 years 10 months and 29 days!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


meeting at 9am and 2.30pm.

esok kena kerja lebih masa. ada signing ceremony di Pullman Lakeside Putrajaya.

p/s: saya penat.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nizar mahu mohon ampun

KUALA LUMPUR - Bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin semalam menyatakan kesediaan untuk menghadap Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar bagi memohon maaf dan memberi penjelasan berhubung kenyataan menerusi Twitternya mengenai bidaan nombor pendaftaran WWW 1.

Mohammad Nizar berkata, pihaknya akan menghantar surat permohonan rasmi bagi menghadap Sultan Johor dalam masa terdekat bagi membolehkan beliau menerangkan kedudukan sebenar seterusnya menghentikan kontroversi yang melanda isu tersebut.
"Selepas Sultan Johor menyatakan bahawa elok saya memohon kemaafan kepada rakyat Johor, hari ini (semalam) saya ingin menyatakan seikhlas hati bahawa saya ingin sangat untuk mohon kemaafan kepada Sultan Johor sendiri.
"Tweet saya merupakan pandangan peribadi dan umum daripada seorang rakyat biasa tanpa ditujukan kepada mana-mana pihak... ini yang perlu diperjelas kepada Sultan Johor supaya tiada lagi spekulasi dan salah faham selepas ini," katanya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen semalam.
sumber: Kosmo
p/s: macam mana dia ni boleh cakap tweet dia tak ditujukan kepada mana-mana pihak sedangkan hanya Sultan Johor je yang beli no pplat WWW1 tu. haiyo. u cakap tak serupa bikin. apa yang u nak jelaskan lagi? lain kali, before cakap, pegi buat research dulu boleh?
saya tak memihak pembangkang or kerajaan tapi saya benci bila orang cakap tanpa fakta. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gambar di Langkawi

menginap di Hotel Bayview. Hotel yang sederhana. cuma dekat dengan Pekan Kuah. Senang nag membeli belah. decoration and kekemasan is okay. but then, aircond tak rasa. saya panas okay.

 kemas kan

then pagi sabtu saya kemas-kemas utk meeting tatatertib. saya pakai baju kurung. haishh..ingatkan mesyuarat kena pakai baju formal. tapi tengok orang lain siap pakai seluar. jadikan ini iktibar +.+

see? im wearing a baju kurung. 

then before balik KL, saya jumpa my future fiance. ♥  kami makan di Pantai Chenang. berdekatan Airport Langkawi. 

Royal Review

information ni saya dapat from MAS's megazine. see the info..

istana negara yang baru terletak di Jalan Duta and worth Rm800m + (mampu?)

official aircraft pula A319, rented since 2007

Gaji YDPA- RM15,180.00

Gaji Permaisuri- RM 4500.00

Monday, June 11, 2012


Minggu ni saya amat sibuk. tak dapat nak update pasal outstation di Langkawi. nanti bila ada masa saya update ok. saya bagi satu gambar dulu. saya bersama Puan Wan, Ketua Pegawai Undang-Undang dari MOA. we graduated from the same university. ;))

di ladang anggur MARDI, Langkawi. 

Friday, June 8, 2012


arrived safely at Langkawi. ;)
flight delay tadi. tapi everything went well. jap lagi nak keluar jalan-jalan ;)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hypocrite, Lies, Promises, Betrayal, Trust

                                                         There are three signs of a hypocrite:

                                                          when he speaks he speaks lies, 

                                                   when he makes a promise he breaks it, 

                                                 and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.
