Thursday, May 10, 2012

intro. ♥

Assalamualaikum. ;)

Hi..this is not my first post.. Previously I've a blog entitle MissJohorian which I've 
deleted it just now. ye...saya bukanlah seorang yg pandai bercerita.. but for the intro, 
let me tell u several things about myself.

1. saya ex-law student. (right now i'm working as a gov officer, -legal advisor)
2. saya bukan seorang yg peramah. 
    (tapi sy xsombong okay! kalau jumpa tegur la. gerenti i tegur balik ;) )
3. tgk title blog sy ni miss Prevé kan??? yesss.. 
    (i'm proud of it. saya ada baby black yg gagah ;))) 
yess..this is mine! hehe. thats y nama blog ni misspreve. ;)

4. saya masih single. tapi dah ada BF. BF saya jauh
    (we plan to get married by this year. so pray for us okay.)
5. i ♥ my job right now. (drafting agreements and giving advice )
6. i've such a wonderful mom. ♥ her so much. 
7. lastly, i've a good friend, best friend of mine. (ciknasigorengtomayam.) hehe

p/s: i bukan xbuat kerja. tapi kerja dah siap. bukan ape, bnyk org ckp keje as a gov officer 
      ni bynk yg xbuat keja kan? hello, I'm not that type of person okay. 

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