Thursday, May 17, 2012


since it already 4.35pm, i've to stop typing and thinking. the proses of digesting the weird words buat otak saya sakit. dah xmampu berfikir. stop skjap. balik nnt sambung balik. i've to complete this agreement by tomorrow. kalau x nnt brtambah pening.

enough with my workload, skrg nak kongsi recipe. Ayam Masak Minang. 1week ago, I''ve a conversation with my mom in which i told her that i want to cook Ayam Masak Minang as i've googling the recipe before this and to me its look delicious. i told my mom what is needed in order to cook that recipe. i plan to cook it by tomorrow. tapi xjadi jugak. 2 days after that, bila balik keja, mak ckp mak dah masak! haiyoo..i wanted to cook that dishes by myself. tp xpe lah mak da masak. syukur. sekali makan, wahhhhh... rasa sedap sgt2. lagi sedap dari rendang. okay. nnt boleh buat lagi.

memang warna masakan ni sebijik seperti gambar di atas. tp mak masak mak tambah daun limau purut if im not mistaken la.. sedap. try lah

saya amik recipe Ayam Masak Minang dari sini . try lah ;) selamat mencuba!

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